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Leading Parent Partnership

   Stone Bay proudly achieved the Leading Parent Partnership Award in November 2024

LPPA Leading Parent Partnership Award 2024-2027


Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) is a nationally recognised award that helps schools to work in partnership with all parents and carers. The award hopes to increase parental participation in school life, which could help to improve pupils' progress, punctuality, attendance and behaviour, ultimately leading to improved outcomes in all aspects of school life.

 We like to involve you from the very start of your child’s journey at Stone Bay! 


Quotes from Final Verification Report

Communication between home and school is highly effective and valued by both sides. There are a wide range of channels used, including a coordinated and thoughtful use of electronic communication such as regular newsletters, clear information on the updated website and effective use of class dojo alongside phone calls and emails when needed.School staff provide highly effective support to parents and students in preparing for the transition into the school, when they leave and indeed throughout their time at the school. Staff at all levels provide parents with support in a wide range of areas, often well beyond what a typical school might offer. They recognise that in supporting the parent they are supporting the child.


Parents have a voice and are listened to at Stone Bay. As well as increased contact and staff being more accessible to parents at the beginning and end of the day, there is a moderated WhatsApp group and parents’ views are surveyed regularly and responded to. The school now listens and has many channels, formal and informal, to do so. The school increasingly actively welcomes parents into the school at every opportunity. In addiction to formal events like sports day and the school fair, celebrations of special days and curriculum learning events in classrooms there is a growing warmth, connection and respect between parents and staff whenever parents come onto site which is increasingly supportive of the whole school community (including staff).


Going forward, Stone Bay is committed to building on its success and will continue to listen to and involve parents at all stages of their child's journey through our school.

At Stone Bay, we believe that a strong partnership between our school and families is essential to the success and well-being of our students. We are deeply committed to regularly seeking your opinions, listening to your concerns, and responding to your feedback. 

We recognise that your insights are invaluable, and together, we can continue to create an environment where every child can thrive. Whether through surveys, meetings, or informal conversations, we encourage and welcome your thoughts, suggestions, and any areas where you feel we can improve.

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration. We look forward to working together to ensure the best possible experience for your child at Stone Bay.




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70 Stone Road,
Broadstairs, Kent
CT10 1EB

01843 863 421