Job Vacancies
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Stone Bay School
Safer Recruitment Statement
Stone Bay School is fully committed and rigorously follows the most stringent of safeguarding procedures. This is to promote the welfare of all children and young people and we expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment to the highest possible standard. Our commitment is underpinned by robust processes and procedures that seek to minimise risk and continuously promote a culture of safeguarding amongst our workforce
Safer Recruitment
Job descriptions and persons specifications refer to safeguarding and child protection and all posts are subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service certificate (DBS). All advertisements include our safeguarding statement and commitment.
- The post is subject to an Enhanced Disclosure Application to the Criminal Records Bureau and check against the ISA Barred List for Children.
- Applicants must apply through Kent Teach by completing, in full, and return a signed application form, CVs will not be accepted.
- When applying, you must provide a full employment history, including periods of unemployment, with dates (to the nearest month) and the names and addresses of previous employers. Any gaps in employment will be discussed.
- All references will be applied for in writing prior to interview and referees contacted to verify their authenticity. A reference pro-forma will be used without exception meaning that open or letter references will not be accepted. Referees will be asked specific questions about an applicant’s suitability to work with children and young people and for the post. 2 satisfactory references must be provided. These should be from the candidate’s current or most recent employer. Where a candidate is not currently working in a school or childcare setting but has done so in the past, one reference should be from their most recent children’s workforce referee.
- Stone Bay School reserve the right to request alternative referees where felt appropriate to fulfil safer recruitment requirements.
- The post for which you are applying is exempt under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, so all criminal convictions must be stated, with dates. Failure to do so will disqualify the candidate from the appointment and, if appointed, may render the individual liable to immediate dismissal without notice.
- Only those candidates meeting the criteria outlined in the person specification will be shortlisted.
- Candidate’s commitment to the safeguarding and welfare of children and their motivation to work with children will be explored at interview
Shortlisted candidates will take part in an in-depth interview and selection process. Candidates will be asked to address any discrepancies, anomalies or gaps in employment in their application form this includes their employment history. Candidates at the end of their interview will be reminded of their responsibility to disclose criminal convictions that are subject to DBS check if they have not already done so on the application.
Proof of right to work in the UK must also be provided at interview.
All offers of employment will be subject to and conditional upon
- Enhanced DBS and Barred List check
- Verification of identity
- Verification of entitlement to work in the UK
- Verification of any relevant qualifications
- Receipt of 2 satisfactory references
- Satisfactory pre-employment health clearance
- Prohibition checks for teachers and those with previous teaching experience
- Overseas checks as appropriate
- Meeting the requirements for Disqualification by Association as where appropriate
If these are not satisfactory an offer of employment may be withdrawn or where an individual
has commenced work, employment may be terminated
Recruitment of Ex-Offenders
If you are successful at interview then we will require you to obtain an Enhanced Certificate of Disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and we administer this process. Most of our roles will also require a Barred List check. We will ensure that an open and measured discussion takes place on the subject of any offences or other matters that might be relevant to the position.
All new staff will be subject to a probation procedure for a period of six months. The probation period is to enable the assessment of an employee’s suitability for the job for which they have been employed which includes the monitor and review of the performance of new staff in relation to duties, skills, qualifications and experience outlined in the job description and person specification. This will also include an employee’s suitability to work with children and young people and their commitment to safeguarding and child protection.
Equal Opportunities
Stone Bay School recognises the value of, and seeks to achieve, a diverse workforce which includes people from all backgrounds. Stone Bay School takes positive steps to create an employment culture in which people feel confident of being treated with fairness, dignity and tolerance irrespective of their individual differences. This commitment extends beyond the relationship between and conduct of employees and potential employees, to the whole community.
Stone Bay School is committed to the elimination of unlawful discrimination and to the promotion of good relations between all.
General Data Protection Regulation
Stone Bay School is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. By signing a contract of employment, you will agree for Stone Bay School, to process your personal data, including “sensitive personal data” as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), for the purposes of the operation, management, security and/ or administration, as well as, complying with applicable laws, regulations and procedures. The information you provide (except Equality Monitoring Information) may be shared with partner organisations that provide services to Stone Bay School. A full list of these organisations is available upon request. Further information about how and why we collect your data can be found in the Stone Bay School Privacy Notice.