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Quality of Education

My Language & Literacy


Interaction Skills

Functional Reading

Functional Writing

· Responding and engaging with environmental stimuli · Sharing pictures, text or stories (books, story massage, sensory stories, e-books) · Making meaningful marks, moving towards writing legibly
· Interacting with others · Phonics awareness  · Fine motor skills
· Communicating likes and dislikes · Whole word reading · Using phonics knowledge in writing
· Communicating needs and wants · Reading for a purpose · Whole word writing (follow Spelling Map)
· Sharing attention · Reading for pleasure · Recounts and sequencing
· Listening to others · Recall and comprehension Sentence composition and punctuation (verbal, symbols or written)
· Responding to questions · Recognising signs and using signs in my community e.g. to keep me safe · Writing for a purpose

· Exploring reading materials online

· Writing for pleasure
  · Developing research strategies  
  · Using TV and digital media  


Subject Story: My Language and Literacy/Functional English

Our Agreed consistencies for My Language and Literacy are:


  • Pupils being taught daily to read and write using the ‘Little Wandle Phonics SSP’

  • Personalised interventions for pupils that need more support or a different approach to reading.

  • Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) daily in every class.

  • A functional communication system for every pupil - this may include PECS, context specific communication boards, Makaton, Communication Books, Vocas.

  • Use of Makaton signing throughout the day.

  • Visuals to support written text.

  • Use of social stories (if needed)

  • Attention Autism approaches used.

Opportunities for cross-curricular learning, especially with My Thinking and Understanding my World.


If you were to walk into an My Language and Literacy lesson at Stone Bay School you would see:


  • Opportunities for every pupil to access a range of reading materials for both function and enjoyment.

  • Opportunities for pupils to practise writing/mark making/fine motor skills (challenging and meaningful)

  • Pupils practise using their preferred communication methods in a range of contexts and with adults and other pupils.

  • A multi-modal approach to learning. Pupils will be taking part in practical activities, written activities, technological activities and many more.

  • Pupils work on developing their literacy for independence

Opportunities for pupils to learn to play imaginatively and recall  experiences in their own way.

In our My Language and Literacy curriculum you will see that we value inclusion and diversity:

  • My Language and Literacy uses text and other media to ensure that pupils are exposed to a wide range of experiences that can expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around us.

  • My Language and Literacy supports a range of topics related to RSE (Relationships and sex education) and supports pupils in understanding different cultures, values and attitudes.  

  • My Language and Literacy helps our pupils to develop communication skills that will help them to become a more integral part of society.

In our My Language and Literacy curriculum you will see that we value inclusion and diversity:

  • My Language and Literacy uses text and other media to ensure that pupils are exposed to a wide range of experiences that can expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around us.

  • My Language and Literacy supports a range of topics related to RSE and supports pupils in understanding different cultures, values and attitudes.  

  • My language and Literacy helps our pupils to develop communication skills that will help them to become a more integral part of society.


Picture of world and children exploring

Pupils at Stone Bay School say this about My Language and Literacy:

  • “I like being able to tell people what I want’’

  • “I like stories about dinosaurs!‘’ 

  • “I like playing with the toys in the sensory room and writing my story’’

  • “I like the ‘Bag Book’ stories”

British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Learning (SMSC) in My Language and Literacy: 

Spiritual – by exploring different texts and media, pupils learn about and experience diversity and become more tolerant of others

Moral – through being encouraged to develop curiosity and communicate more effectively, pupils are able to form their own opinions, listen to those of others and make their own choices.

Social (including British Values) – Pupils are encouraged to communicate with adults and with others to ensure that their voice is being heard in all contexts either in school or outside school

Cultural (including British Values) – Pupils explore different cultures and British Values through researching and developing knowledge through practical activities when out in the community and exploring information in school.

                          Children with disability logoRights respecting schools logo


Article 23 – A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life 

Article 13 - Every child must be free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.



Reading:- All pupils experience and enjoy books in school every day with our 'DropPicture of phase 2 phonics cards Everything and Read' initiative. This looks different in every class - some pupils prefer sensory stories, some like to read alone and others like being read to. We will continue to find new books that link to our curriculum and are enjoyable and challenging for all our pupils. Pupils learn to read phonetically using the 'Little Wandle' scheme. This is also supported by a range of personalised reading interventions for pupils that find it difficult to learn to read phonetically.

Early Reading & Phonics Intent Statement

Communication:- Communication is an integral part of our school and residential provision. Every pupil at Stone Bay focusses on PECS/AAC, Makaton signing and intensive interaction to develop their ability to become as effective communicators as possible.

Writing:- All pupils are encouraged to develop their skills in writing. Like reading, this also looks different in every class. We individualise challenges for every pupil. These challenges will include the development of motor skills, using digital media and writing for a purpose and pleasure.

Phonics sound cards ar, oi, or and aipicture of multiple phonics graphemes

Our aim for all is to ensure that our pupils' language and literacy is always functional and will help our pupils become more confident and independent in the future.

Language and Literacy Policy

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds logo

Parent's guide to Little Wandle phonics scheme





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70 Stone Road,
Broadstairs, Kent
CT10 1EB

01843 863 421