My Social Emotional Wellbeing
My Identity |
My Feelings and Emotions |
My Social Skills |
Who am I? | How am I feeling? | We are all unique and equal |
My interests | How to make safe and positive choices for my wellbeing | Treating others with respect |
My family | When families do not feel safe or happy | Being treated with respect by others |
What is a family? | When friendships do not feel safe or happy | Respect in online relationships |
What does a family do? | When I feel unsafe or unsure about another person | Healthy and stable family relationships |
My friends | What good mental health means for me | Who can help me and keep me safe? |
People who help me feel safe | What mental health issues can mean for myself and others | Boundaries with unfamiliar adults |
My communication | How and where to get the help I need in different environments | |
Important events for me | How to keep asking for help until I am heard | |
What makes me unique | Courtesy and manners | |
It’s good to be me- my personality and strengths | Sharing | |
It’s good to be me- my challenges and goals | Working together | |
What does a friend do? | ||
What is an online friend? | ||
How do I behave online; boundaries in online relationships | ||
The risks of sharing information online | ||
How do others feel and how can I help? | ||
How to help people I care about | ||
Healthy and stable friendships; rights and responsibilities | ||
Seeking and giving permission in friendships | ||
What is confidentiality in friendships? Safe and unsafe secrets | ||
Boundaries in personal relationships | ||
Solving friendship problems | ||
What is bullying? (inc cyber bullying) | ||
How to get help to stop bullying for myself and/or my friends | ||
Dangers posed by others online; staying safe online and responding to adults | ||
How to report abuse or concerns | ||
Attraction to others | ||
Your body belongs to you |
Subject Story: My Social Emotional and Wellbeing
Our Agreed consistencies for My Social and Emotional Wellbeing are:
If you were to walk into a My Social and Emotional Wellbeing lesson at Stone Bay School you would see:
In our My Social and Emotional Wellbeing curriculum you will see that we value inclusion and diversity:
Pupils at Stone Bay School say this about My Social and Emotional Wellbeing:
British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Learning (SMSC) in My Social and Emotional Wellbeing: Spiritual – by playing with each other, exploring different places of work, being in each others company and sharing experiences, pupils build their confidence and self esteem Moral – through being with others and developing their social skills, pupils are able to form their own opinions, listen to those of others, make their own choices and develop their own identity. Social (including British Values) – pupils are able to work, play and learn alongside others. They have access to the local community, getting to know people outside school and expanding their opportunities for social interaction. Cultural (including British Values) – pupils take part in a wide variety of opportunities celebrating culture and diversity. Pupils take part in celebration assemblies and special days, careers days, welcome visitors and guest speakers in school. They access the local community for visits to places of work and places of different cultural interest. |
Article 15 – Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights. |
My Identity
This will provide a vital foundation to the personal development of our young people in preparing them for adult life.
My Feelings and Emotions
My Social Skills
Pupils will continuously work on developing a positive attitude and showing respect and tolerance towards others.