Student Voice
Stone Bay School has a thriving Student Council that meets on a termly basis. Student Councillors are nominated by their peers to share the ideas or concerns of their class and residential unit and to discuss activities or projects suggested by the School Leadership Team. Lively discussions take place during meetings and students vote as to whether they wish to proceed with the suggestions.
Visual resources and staff support is in place to enable all students to be actively involved, whatever the level of their communication skills. Our Catering Manager is a regular guest at the meetings where students discuss foods they would like for special occasions and themed events, for example Christmas Lunch, St Andrew’s Day celebrations and Book Week. On many occasions, they are shown photographs of activities and given tastes of foods they may like to include on these special days.
As a result of the Student Council discussions and decisions there have been a number of things put in place, for example:
- Water coolers around the school
- New football kit and footballs
- Go carts and tricycles
- DVD library
- Swings
- Whole school activities
- Competitions