Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
Donella is a Level 3 Teaching Assistant and currently works in Woodpecker class, supporting the teaching and learning of KS 2 pupils.
Donella has fifteen years of experience and training supporting pupils with Autism, she is also trained to deliver Intensive Interaction sessions.
As a trained ELSA, Donella attends termly supervision sessions with a qualified Educational Psychologist. She is a registered ELSA with the Kent Educational Psychology service.
As an ELSA Donella helps our pupils learn to understand their emotions and respect the feelings of those around them. She provides time and space for pupils to think about their personal circumstances and how to manage them.
This could be for any off the following areas:
- Emotional awareness, such as, ability to recognise emotions, and how they feel.
- Social skills
- turn taking
- asking for help
- friendship skills
- ability to initiate friendships
- self-esteem
- ability to identify strengths.