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Spring Term 2025 Newsletters

 Letters Home

  • Parent factsheet - Is my child to ill for school
    At Stone Bay we know how difficult it is to know if a child is unwell, particularly when they are pre verbal, have limited language and self awareness skills. We aim to work in collaboration with parents and carers to ensure we are always putting the needs of the child or young person first. Sometimes a child may present as 'unwell' and may be very sleepy or have symptoms that suggest that a child may need to go home, this is because our classrooms are very busy we can not provide safe and quiet places for children or young people who needs to rest and recover. The best place for children or young people who are unwell is in their own home. Sometimes a child may have started medication and may be able to return. To help support your decision making we have provided this fact sheet.

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Broadstairs, Kent
CT10 1EB

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